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Signs that the Jinn is leaving your body

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

Many people who are possessed by a Jinn and are taking Ruqyah treatment, often go into despair wondering why the treatment is not working or why do they have the symptoms even after weeks of treatment. Sometimes they start wondering whether the treatment is actually working or should they stop seeking Ruqyah as there is no cure in sight. These thoughts often stem from the whispering of the Jinn present in the body. They try to discourage the person from continuing the treatment because they suffer a great deal from the Qur'aan recitation.

In most cases the individual is possessed by several jinns and in the case of black magic there may also be many toxic substances in the body. During the Ruqyah treatment jinns may be expelled from the body without the person being aware of it. This indicates that even though the person believes nothing has happened, Ruqyah has already had an impact in the background.

However there are a few clear signs and symptoms that may indicate the departure of a jinn from the person's body. If you are experiencing any of these signs it indicates that the jinn is trying to leave your body or has already left.

🍁 You may experience very intense vibrations in your arms or legs. So much that the hand starts flapping rapidly or intense vibration in the thumb.

🍁 You may feel very cold chills that flow to a certain point in your body and increasingly move towards that point until the jinn has left your body.

🍁 You may experience very intense vibrations accompanied by abnormal sounds and screams, after which you lose consciousness.

🍁 You may vomit or have Diarrhoea with slimy substances coming out of your body with an unpleasant odour or blood particles or plastic or hair strands. It usually indicates jinn leaving your body

🍁 Your ear wax may contain dirty and stinky liquid components that resemble sawdust from wood.

🍁 You may have red eyes from which mucus or pus comes out, or from which tears come out a lot while you are not crying

🍁 Pus or some liquid may come out of your Navel

🍁 You may sweat abnormally making the air unbearable. This sweating is different from how you normally sweat.

🍁 You may experience extreme head ache

🍁 You may have to go to the toilet frequently. The urine you produce may have a different smell and appearance than what you are used to.

🍁 In women, the first menstrual period after the treatment may be more painful and the colour and duration of the blood may be different than usual

All these signs indicate jinn leaving the body. May Allah Ta'ala give you strength and may He grant you victory in this fight against the evil. Aameen

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1 comentario

Salah Uddin
Salah Uddin
08 jun 2023

Jazakallah khair, very informative

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